(FixThisNation.com) – On Sunday, former CIA deputy director Mike Morell argued that the government did not show any urgency in handling the threat of a terrorist attack in the United States and had not informed the American public about what actions it is taking to handle the situation.
During an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Morell argued that the American public needed to have an understanding of what the threat is. He added that this was why they had pushed for a public congressional hearing that would only be focused on terrorist threats in the country, and not broadly. He added that the Biden administration needed to inform Americans of what was being done for the situation in a broader sense.
Previously, he had co-written an article for Foreign Affairs in which he had drawn comparisons to the situation that the United States currently found itself in and what had occurred in the lead-up to the 9/11 attacks.
He added that following the article being published, current and former intelligence officers and policymakers had responded “almost” universally which showed that the Biden administration was not doing enough in order to target these threats. At the same time, the United States has been moving resources from the counterterrorism community to addressing the situation with China. He noted that while this move is to an extent understandable, it has come at a cost to intelligence since it has affected the vetting and collecting of intelligence. As he pointed out these issues were also mentioned in an inspector general report from the Department of Homeland Security.
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