Lawmakers Make New Change To Child Support Laws

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( – On Tuesday, the Republican-controlled Kentucky Senate voted that a parent should have the right to collect child support even for children that have not been born. 

Senate Bill 110 gives mothers the right to request child support close to a year after they give birth to cover their pregnancy expenses. The legislation which passed with bipartisan support in a 36-2 vote is now going to be advancing to the House. The GOP has supermajorities in both chambers in the state.

The bill is sponsored by state Sen. Whitney Westerfield, who has stated that the support for the bill makes it clear that lawmakers are aware of the obligations that come with pregnancy which should be covered by both partners, including the expenses during the nine months before the birth of the baby. 

While presenting her proposal Westerfield pointed out that she believed that life started at conception. However, as she noted even if someone did not believe that there is no question that there are costs and obligations that come with having a child, even before the birth of that child. 

Under this new measure, there is a strict cut-off time by which parents will be required to seek child support for pregnancy expenses. year after the birth of the child, no applications shall be made after that time. 

Westerfield also pointed out that even at a year and a day this law would not apply and that it was only in place for the first year of a baby’s life. 

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