(FixThisNation.com) – In a recent interview on MSNBC, former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton stated that there was “real danger” that former President Donald Trump would try to block the bipartisan border bill efforts. She added his actions are those of an “authoritarian.”
On Wednesday, Clinton also attacked Trump for his “authoritarian” actions and for pushing Republican lawmakers to oppose the Senate’s border deal. She proceeded to refer to Congress’ dysfunction as a “circus” and specifically called Trump a “puppeteer” for pushing for the bipartisan bill to be blocked.
Clinton argued that she had been in the Senate for eight years and that she knew many of the people who were serving in the upper chamber. She proceeded to note that she did not understand why people in Congress continued to give in to Trump and that she believed that the border security deal would have been a good opportunity for them to stand up to Trump.
During the interview, Clinton also pointed out that the GOP prefers having a border problem rather than having a solution. As she said the Democrats had provided support to the GOP in their requests “for greater security.” Still, at the last minute, Trump started telling officials that they needed to solve the problem and that instead they needed to back his “political purposes” which she considered shocking.
She then proceeded to argue that some people were showing courage and standing up to Trump by stating that they were looking to solve the problem which is why they are in Washington.
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